Gifted Endorsement Course Schedule and Registration

FDLRS GALAXY will offer one or more of the following five modules at no cost, and they satisfy the course requirements for the Gifted Endorsement. We will offer as many modules as our funding will allow. FDLRS Galaxy serves the educators in Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie School Districts.

Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for the Gifted

Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students provides an analysis of curriculum modifications for gifted learners based on the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) Standards for Graduate Programs in Gifted Education.   

February 6, 2025 through May 2, 2025 


Nature & Needs of the Gifted

Nature and Need of Gifted Students provides an overview of gifted education on the national, state and local level.  Cognitive, social, and emotional characteristics common to individuals who are gifted are identified along with strategies that can be used to meet the academic needs of different categories of students who are gifted.

                                                                 December 9, 2024 through March 3, 2025

                                                                  COURSE IN PROGRESS  


Guidance and Counseling for the Gifted

The Guidance and Counseling of Gifted Students module provides an overview of the theory, research, practical strategies, and resources on guidance and counseling, with an emphasis on classroom application in the gifted classroom.  

August 27, 2024 through December 3, 2024



Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students

The Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students module provides an overview of the challenges and issues that face diverse populations of gifted students as they struggle to gain acceptance, recognition, and access to appropriate gifted education to meet their individual needs. THIS COURSE WILL BE OFFERED AGAIN IN 2025. 




Theory and Development of Creativity

This module provides an overview of the theory, research, practical strategies and resources on creativity, with an emphasis on classroom application in the gifted classroom.  THIS MODULE WILL BE OFFERED AGAIN IN 2025. 


  • Most online gifted endorsement course are 8-10 weeks long. Courses offer flexibility to work at your convenience during the 8-10 weeks, are completely online, and require no face-to-face meetings or specific dates/times required to be online (other than orientation).
  • The Gifted Endorsement courses can be taken in any order.
  • Contact if you have any questions. 
  • To register for a module, click the link provided.  You’ll be notified if you are selected to participate.

The Teacher Education Add-on Program for Certification in the Gifted Endorsement is designed to provide teachers local access to professional development and to address Florida’s critical teacher shortages in programs for ESE.  The target audience are teachers assigned out-of-field in gifted programs; however, the modules are appropriate for certification renewal and /or professional development. Priority will be given to teachers who are currently teaching gifted students. Enrollment is limited to 30 participants.

Credits earned through this program may not be used for college or university credit. It will be the responsibility of the participant to verify with their local staff development office and/or the FLDOE certification office, any additional certification requirements.