If a parent, health care provider, childcare provider or agency personnel are concerned with the development of a child, they may refer their concerns to a Child Find Specialist at the Florida Diagnostic Resources and Learning System (FDLRS). Contact your local FDLRS Associate Center. Once at the site, you may search by district to find the contact information for a local Child Find Specialist. Once a referral is received, a Child Find Specialist will review any information they have about the child and then contact the family to schedule a screening appointment. During the screening appointment, the Child Find Specialist will conduct developmental, speech, language, vision, and hearing assessments. These results will be shared with the family. If the results indicate that there is no need for further testing, the Child Find Specialist will assist the family with some techniques and strategies that may help alleviate the initial concern(s). If there are any concerns noted, the parent(s) can choose to have their child referred to their local school district for further testing. Further testing helps determine if their child is eligible to receive free services through the local school system. Typical services may include speech and language therapy sessions or placement in a developmental preschool classroom within your local school district. The school district will hold a team meeting to discuss assessment results and a plan for your child.