Child Find

Child Find, as a part of FDLRS Galaxy, screens preschool children ages 3 through 5, who may have special needs. Some children experience difficulties with vision, hearing, language, learning, physical movement, and/or emotional control. These children may benefit from special educational services




If you know of a preschool-aged child with significant problems in any of these areas, please call us for a screening.

Indian River County 
Toll free - 800-358-8525
Call - 772-564-4166 
Fax - 772-429-3622
St. Lucie County 
Toll free - 800-358-8525
Call - 772-429-4601
Fax - 772-429-3622
Martin County 
Toll free - 800-358-8525
Call - 772-429-4601
Fax - 772-429-3622
Okeechobee County 
Toll free - 800-358-8525
Call - 772-429-4601
Fax - 772-429-3622
Contact one of our Child Find Consultants:
Laura Everett:
Viany Adache: